Mobile App Redesign
Project type
Individual project
Illustrator, Photoshop & Adobe Xd
Visual System, Mobile app mockups & UX research
2.5 weeks

Starbucks is the world’s largest coffeehouse chain headquartered in Seattle. They had 32,660 stores in 83 countries as of September 2020. Their mobile app – The Starbucks app – has contributed them to be the largest coffeehouse chain by offering various services available on their app. You can order ahead and pay at participating locations or track the Stars and Rewards you’ve earned. Also, you can find stores, redeem offers and do so much more.

Due to COVID-19, even enjoying coffee at a cafe hasn’t been easy. A lot of time you are not allowed to use the cafe in Korea, but allowed to leave right after only grabbing a coffee - so the experience you can have at a cafe has been limited.
To solve the problem that people cannot have cafe experience at a cafe, we wanted to deliver the experience people had at Starbucks via our mobile app. From the very moment people start our app to choosing the menu, from order to payment and until the moment people walk in to a store and grab a drink, we wanted people to carry their special Starbucks experience. We thought convenience is the extension of Starbucks experience customers can have through Starbucks mobile application
Stakeholder research

User Personas

It shows the steps users will face from the very moment they open the app. Once you choose either log-in or sign-up, you would be brought to 'Home.'
On 'Home' page, you would have these four option: pay, order, gift, and location. Only four main options are kept because they are used most frequently by users.

Design Guideline


Redesign of Starbucks app was my first UX research project individually worked. So, it definitely has a room to improve. Looking back this project, after learning about Lean UX, this project could've used more user research and iteration. I wasn't aware that diversity of stakeholder back then, so this project can use more different types of users and personas. Also, user research can be done throughout the entire design process, not just beginning of the process. After creating prototype, prototype could be shared with users to learn about their behaviors.